Monday, November 23, 2009

Roseann Allen-Matthews

A truly beautiful lady who was an inspiration to many.
Rest in peace, Roseann and rise in glory.
Prayers for Gary and their family and friends.
Roseann was a gem and truly one of a kind!
I will miss her.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

George Bland

My dear friend Janis lost her father on November 15th. Janis shared with many of us the beautiful art work that her father created. Such a talented man! As Janis said on Facebook, George is now in his heavenly studio.  Prayers and love to Janis and her family at this time. Rest in peace George and rise in glory!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Prayers ascending for our friend, Roseanne who has begun hospice home care.  Prayers & love to Roseanne and Gary.