Saturday, May 9, 2009

I begin again to quit smoking. I quit for a number of years (5 I think). Then my mother died unexpectedly while having surgery. The surgery was a success. However, the patient died. Her death really threw me for a loop! So one cig to calm the nerves and you know the rest!

I've now been smoke free for 12.5 hours, quitting cold turkey. I feel better already. Cravings haven't been bad. I will admit that I did miss my cig with my cup of joe this morning. But I got over it quickly. Chuck, of course, is thrilled as are some friends of mine.

This time I'm determined to quit. Just as I lost 60 pounds 1.5 years ago, I know I can "lose" the cigs also and NOT gain any weight. Here I go! Thanks Tom B. for pushing me along!


  1. You may not know me but I am wishing you the best of luck with this jounrey. Keep Smiling and stay positive!

  2. Thank you so much!!! I appreciate your comments.

  3. Hey Joan ... I quit cold turkey about 8 years ago and I tell you, it was the best decision I ever made. Know that I will be rooting and praying for you. Change your routine .. that will help alot.

    Blessings my friend.
    Br. John

  4. Joan, I've got to take the plunge myself. I did quite for almost five years before I moved to Oregon, but started up again in '98. I know I can do it, I've just got to get motivated. You are in my prayers for SUCCESS!
