Friday, September 25, 2009

Homosexuality 'not in your DNA,' says LDS leader

Just when I "think" I've read it all, another "religious" comes along with more clap-trap.  Meanwhile Jesus does not address this issue in the New Testament.  IF folks would actually follow Christ's teachings,  what an amazing world we would live in and the love we could share with our brothers and sisters! Elder Bruce C. Hafen would do well to become better informed before he gets on his soap box again!

My friend, Larry says it best: "My point is that even if it WAS a choice - it's a legitimate choice that doesn't require the excuse of "can't help it" which implies it's some kind of disability..."we have to be more accepting, they can't help it, you know, they were born that way..." It's time to move beyond that thinking and say, "It doesn't matter, we accept a diverse expression of human sexuality - get over it!"

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Donnie will be arraigned today! It's about time. May justice prevail!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Autumn in the Rockies... the golden Aspen leaves.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Off to enjoy the autumn foliage in Estes Park this weekend.
Happy Weekend Blessings to all!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Oy vey!

Sure looks like a "socialist" message to me!! BEWARE... HIDE IN THE CORNER...

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Labor Day Weekend

I cannot believe that it's Labor Day Weekend already! Where did the summer go? Enjoy your weekend and stay safe, Watch out for the full moon!!!