Thursday, March 5, 2009

Parish Attendance?

Last night was our first soup supper and Evensong service for Lent. The attendance was quite good with several folks who haven't attended in past years.

On another site, a person asked if attendance was up in our local parishes due to the economy. Most responded that their numbers were indeed rising. It was noted that rising church attendance is not unusual in hard or difficult times. I haven't noticed a difference on Sundays yet. However, last night was definitely up! It will be interesting to see if the attendance continues to increase.

Anyone seeing any trends in their parishes?


  1. The 'soup supper' sounds like a wonderful idea. We have a Lenten Eucharist each Wednesday evening during Lent. This year the guest preacher is Sr. Jessica of the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine. The service is followed by the Stations of the Cross.

    Blessings for a Holy Lent
