Thursday, March 26, 2009

Springtime in the Rockies

I'm sure you have all heard the saying "if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes and it will change!" No truer words were ever uttered in Colorado especially in Colorado Springs. This morning I woke up to a beautiful sunny day with temps in the mid 40's. By 12:30 the snow started to fly and now we're having a blizzard. Mind you 4 days ago, we broke the record high temp recorded for that day!!

How much snow will we receive by tomorrow at noon when the storm is supposed to over? Well that's anybody's guess!! Between the Palmer Divide, Pikes Peak and Rockies there's no telling where we will end up.

In my county, the range is anywhere from 4-18 inches. I live in the southern part of the county. Except for the blizzard winds, we only have snow on the grassy areas. Travel 5 miles north or east and all hell is breaking loose.

Meanwhile, we have a nice fire going in the fireplace. We're warm. Our furbabies are warm and we have plenty to eat and drink. So we are just riding out this storm. Oh, and by Sunday, we will be in the low 50's. I love Springtime in the Rockies!!!

1 comment:

  1. When you are prepared to be snowed in the snow is fun and beautiful. Enjoy it but keep the homeless in mind, as I know you do.
