Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Rest in Peace, Badger

I have just learned that another friend has died while on vacation. Kendall Sims, aka "Badger" was one of my many on-line buddies from Beliefnet and Facebook.  We also corresponded by email and our blogs. Rest in peace Kendall and may you rise in glory!
You will be missed, my friend.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Coming Soon...

Christmas Day will be here before we know it!
Blessings to All during this Holy Advent Season!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Roseann Allen-Matthews

A truly beautiful lady who was an inspiration to many.
Rest in peace, Roseann and rise in glory.
Prayers for Gary and their family and friends.
Roseann was a gem and truly one of a kind!
I will miss her.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

George Bland

My dear friend Janis lost her father on November 15th. Janis shared with many of us the beautiful art work that her father created. Such a talented man! As Janis said on Facebook, George is now in his heavenly studio.  Prayers and love to Janis and her family at this time. Rest in peace George and rise in glory!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Prayers ascending for our friend, Roseanne who has begun hospice home care.  Prayers & love to Roseanne and Gary.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


U.S. to Order Steep Pay Cuts at Firms That Got Most Aid 

IT'S ABOUT TIME!! If we have restrictions on those folks receiving "welfare," then it's NO different for the corp execs who ran their businesses in the ground and received my tax dollars to bail them out!! You want to suck on the public teat, then here are the rules!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I've been too busy reading to blog.
 All is relatively quiet in my world. I hope the same for your world!
Daylight Savings Time ends November 1st!
Remember to turn your clocks/watches back one hour.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Today's Mood..

Sort of sums up how I feel today!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Homosexuality 'not in your DNA,' says LDS leader


Just when I "think" I've read it all, another "religious" comes along with more clap-trap.  Meanwhile Jesus does not address this issue in the New Testament.  IF folks would actually follow Christ's teachings,  what an amazing world we would live in and the love we could share with our brothers and sisters! Elder Bruce C. Hafen would do well to become better informed before he gets on his soap box again!

My friend, Larry says it best: "My point is that even if it WAS a choice - it's a legitimate choice that doesn't require the excuse of "can't help it" which implies it's some kind of disability..."we have to be more accepting, they can't help it, you know, they were born that way..." It's time to move beyond that thinking and say, "It doesn't matter, we accept a diverse expression of human sexuality - get over it!"

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Donnie will be arraigned today! It's about time. May justice prevail!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Autumn in the Rockies... the golden Aspen leaves.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Off to enjoy the autumn foliage in Estes Park this weekend.
Happy Weekend Blessings to all!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Oy vey!

Sure looks like a "socialist" message to me!! BEWARE... HIDE IN THE CORNER...

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Labor Day Weekend

I cannot believe that it's Labor Day Weekend already! Where did the summer go? Enjoy your weekend and stay safe, Watch out for the full moon!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Lion of the Senate

Rest in peace,
Senator Edward Moore Kennedy.
May you rise in glory!
NOW is the time to pass Health Care Reform in his memory.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


The following is a letter that my husband sent to our local newspaper.

As I follow the heath care debate in the pages of the Gazette and on television, I am stuck by how many people my age, over 65, are the most actively engaged. The recurring theme in most of their rhetoric revolves around one word - socialism. I understand that people, most of all seniors, do not welcome change. Frankly it scares the beejeebers out of them. Before you cry out the S word again though, please consider the following.

If you are over sixty five you are most probably receiving Social Security. You paid into Social Security but if you live more than five or six years over 65 you will receive ever so much more than you paid in. That monthly check really helps out most of us with a bill here or an unexpected expense there, doesn’t it?

You are also probably enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid. Again you paid in, but one serious illness could easily wipe out all that amount. The cost of one procedure could put you in the minus column real fast. Did you ever consider that these programs are like your friends and neighbors, all 300 plus million of us, helping to restore you to health?

If you are a military retiree like me, you receive a monthly check from good old Uncle. So what, you may say, I earned it. In the strictest sense of the word, no you did not. You earned your salary while on active duty. That check is a monthly thank you note from a grateful nation.
If you are covered by the Veterans Administration, for either health care and/or disability, it’s another one of those thank you notes. That program is rated the best health care in the nation. But how can that be, it’s run by the government. Yes it is. In fact it’s run by a outstanding soldier, who has himself sustained wounds in combat. Who is better to understand and overcome the problems faced by our veterans.

Every one of the programs I mentioned is socialism in one form or the other. So before you again go out and attempt to save the land from socialism, I think you should first renounce any and all of these programs that you may be enrolled in. If you don’t, then I feel more than justified in using the H word. H for Hypocrite.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


May Eunice rest in peace and rise in glory!
Prayers ascending for family and friends.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Are they or aren't they?

The latest gossip/news/noise out of Alaska is that the Palins' are getting a divorce. True? Who knows? Interesting article at: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2013312/sarah_palin_divorce_alaska_report.html Of course the Palin camp says that it's all a rumor, lies, etc.

Generally in politics "where there is smoke, there is fire." Whether the Palins' divorce or not is not my issue. I just believe that there is more to the story of why she resigned as governor other then the public reasons given so far. I'm not buying "for the good of Alaska" story... Time will tell.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I never cease to be amazed about the distortions for President Obama's healthcare plan! The insurance industry will say anything and do anything to protect their golden calf. Nevermind the injustice of the lack of proper healthcare in a nation as wealthy as ours.

Hospital emergency departments have become "family practice clinics" for the uninsured and underinsured. By the time many patients arrive in the ED, their medical condition has advanced to such a stage that long term recovery is required... that's if they don't die first!

We treat our pets with more humane medical care then we provide to our people. Something's wrong with this picture! Healthcare coverage for ALL our citizens is LONG overdue! Congress needs to get the legislation passed IMMEDIATELY!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Walter Cronkite

Rest in peace, Uncle Walter and may you rise in glory!
No one will ever replace you.
"And that's the way it is."

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Enjoy this beautiful day!
Blessings to All!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Dog & Pony Show

The Judge Sonia Sotomayor "dog and pony show" is playing out in living color on Capitol Hill! When the senators stop their 10 minutes of grandstanding, maybe I can finally watch the hearings. Puffed up pompous ass senators spouting their blow hard crap is too much too take especially on a Monday!! Now back to your regularly scheduled program...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Fourth of July to All!
Enjoy your weekend and stay safe. Send up a prayer for all military personnel deployed around the world and their families.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The joys of summer!
Happy Summer to All!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

RIP, Farrah!

Rest in peace Farrah and may you rise in glory. Your battle is over and you now rest in the arms of our Lord.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Update from Cheryle!

"Drew Alexandria arrived shortly after 5:30 PDT, weighing just under 6 lbs and cute as a button. Thank you all for your prayers."


Monday, June 22, 2009


New U.S. Anglicans launch, to ban women, gays as bishops

By Cathy Lynn Grossman, USA TODAY

Hundreds of formerly Episcopal parishes are meeting this week to unify as a new national church: the Anglican Church in North America.

Organizers, led by former Episcopal Bishop of Pittsburgh Robert Duncan, expect 300 delegates, including 50 bishops, in Bedford, Texas, for a three-day gathering that begins Monday.
The group is scheduled to adopt church laws that will exclude women and homosexuals as bishops. It also is expected to elect and install Duncan as archbishop.

The new group, which says it represents 100,000 believers, calls itself a province, echoing the language of the worldwide Anglican Communion, the third largest Christian denomination. The Anglican Communion is a loosely governed collection of 38 regional and national churches, including the 2.1-million-member U.S. branch, the Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Church of Canada. However, it may take years for the new group to be recognized as a member of the Communion.

The Episcopal Church has been in turmoil for years over key issues such as whether the Bible allows gays or women to be clergy or bishops. In 2003 the Episcopal governing body ratified the election of an openly gay bishop, Gene Robinson of New Hampshire. Divisions deepened with the 2006 election of presiding bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori.
Duncan and other conservative leaders have urged about 10% of Episcopal Church parishes to align with archbishops in Africa and South America, the "Global South" where the majority of the world's 80 million Anglicans live now.

In 2008, The Episcopal Church removed Duncan from ministry. He immediately was claimed as a bishop by the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone, in South America.

The new church will link eight groups, some founded decades ago, to emphasize biblical authority, church discipline and evangelical missionary outreach.

But once the Episcopal-Anglican split itself is no longer news, then what? asks Jim Naughton, canon for communications for the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, D.C., a liberal diocese that supports Robinson and Schori.

"There's already a crowded marketplace on the right wing of the American religious spectrum. I think the challenge is to move beyond the events that spawned them," says Naughton.
Duncan, however, looks foward to the new church attracting anyone who seeks "the reliability of Scripture, the Catholic tradition and Pentecostal power. The Anglican Church bridges all three … If you see the love of Jesus in us, you will join."

The new church's proposed constitutional preamble, however, looks back with a swipe at the "those who have embraced erroneous teaching and who have rejected a repeated call to repentance."

And the governing structure for the Anglican Church in North America is designed to make sure that parishes and dioceses in the new church don't meander off with different biblical interpretations.

Bishops will have the final say in the choice of future bishops. Only men, and no gays, will be accepted.

Duncan says the church may continue to ordain women as deacons and priests. But pushing forward to name them as bishops, he says, is seen by the rest of the Anglican Communion as "a sad and arrogant American approach. The bishop is the symbol of the diocese and putting someone other dioceses do not recognize as capable of holding the office in the post is divisive in the international church."

The head of the Anglican Communion, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, is sending a "pastoral visitor" from his staff, says Duncan, which he says shows that "we are part of the family."

Williams himself will attend the Episcopal Church's governing meeting this summer to give a seminar on combating global poverty.

Jurisdictions that have joined together to form the 28 dioceses and dioceses-in-formation of the Anglican Church in North America are: the dioceses of Fort Worth, Pittsburgh, Quincy and San Joaquin; the Anglican Mission in the Americas (including the Anglican Coalition in Canada); the Convocation of Anglicans in North America; the Anglican Network in Canada; the Reformed Episcopal Church; and the missionary initiatives of Kenya, Uganda, and South America's Southern Cone. The American Anglican Council and Forward in Faith North America also are founding organizations.

It's just SSDD for Duncan and his ilk!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Enjoy a happy and fun-filled weekend courtesy of Maxine!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


For those who opine that the US is headed towards “socialism” and then “communism,” I thought a few definitions of these words might be in order as well as the word “capitalism.” So with thanks to MSN Encarta:

so·cial·ism [ sṓshÉ™ lìzÉ™m ] or So·cial·ism [ sṓshÉ™ lìzÉ™m ] noun Definition:
1. political system of communal ownership: a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles
2. movement based on socialism: a political movement based on principles of socialism, typically advocating an end to private property and to the exploitation of workers
3. stage between capitalism and communism: in Marxist theory, the stage after the proletarian revolution when a society is changing from capitalism to communism, marked by pay distributed according to work done rather than need

com·mu·nism [ kómmyÉ™ nìzzÉ™m ] noun Definition:
classless political system: the political theory or system in which all property and wealth is owned in a classless society by all the members of that society[Mid-19th century. < French communisme< commun "common" < Latin communis]

cap·i·tal·ism [ káppit'l ìzzÉ™m ] noun Definition:
free-market system: an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, characterized by a free competitive market and motivation by profit

To those who receive a monthly Social Security check or government retirement and/or disability pension, it is a form of Socialism. So while you are decrying “socialism” and it’s evil ways, please return your money to the U.S. Treasury to pay down the national debt. Thank you.

Why I Come to the Altar of God

With thanks to Brother John for fowarding this to me.
From the Pentecost Edition of The Anglican Digest.

Why I Come to the Altar of God

I come, not because I am worthy, but because I have sinned and fallen short of what, by God’s help, I might have been.

I Come, not that there is magic in partaking of Christ’s body and blood, but because of the Lord’s commend, “Do this for the remembrance.”

I come, because Christ bids me come. It is His table and He invites me.

I come, because here is portrayed the sacrifice of my Lord who gave Himself for me.

I come, because I find myself drawn closer to God, the Christ of Calvary, and to those who kneel with me at Holy Communion. Yes, I am made to feel my kinship to all those everywhere who proclaim Christ as Saviour.

I come, because I rise from the Lord’s Table with a new strength, courage, and power to live for Him who died for me.

- Cathedral of St. Paul, Fond du Lac

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A favorite...

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways..."
Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861)
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

Enjoy your weekend. Eat, drink and be merry!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I am also posting this prayer request on my blog as well as A/E and Facebook. Thanks so much for your prayers. Joan

Joan, I'm having computer problems with limited access right now, so would ask a favor of you if you don't mind.My daughter-in-law has gone on bed rest for the next two weeks. She is pregnant with my granddaughter and is due July 3. However, they are now talking about taking the baby as early as June 20. She has been small all along - in the 37th percentile - but her growth has dropped off. She is growing symmetrically, just very small.

Obviously, this is hard on all of us, so would you please post a prayer request on the Episcopal/Anglican Board for me? My computer will be out for repairs for a few days and I am working on a clunker until it comes back.

Thank you, my friend.



I subscribe to the theory, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!" However, the gang in Washington has decreed that the digital TV conversion will take place on Friday. I understand the reasons why. But that doesn't help the fact that I had to buy a new TV yesterday.

In my kitchen is a little TV/radio combo... black and white TV that is!!! I just watch it while I'm cooking during meal times and to catch the news. My little set works perfectly for being an ancient ruin. I simply plug it on wherever I want to take it, turn it on and watch TV.

Yesterday that changed when I bought a new 19" TV. Sure it has all the bells and whistles and a DVD built in. And this was the LEAST complicated TV that I could find. The salesman assures my that it's a piece of cake to set up and oh by the way, don't forget to the buy the antenna. I wasn't going to add the TV to our cable. So home I trudge with TV and antenna.

I take out the quick and easy instruction sheet and start unpacking the box. Good Lord... it's got more parts than a 747!! The back of the set has some many plug holes, etc. and I'm like what the hell??

OK so now I grab the big instruction booklet and start reading from page 1. I'd like to think that I am a reasonably intelligent person. I understood the Spanish part of the booklet better then the English part and I don't even speak Spanish!! Frustration sets in... big time.

Time to call for help. Thankfully I have a very dear friend who works in tech support for a computer company. I call him with my tale of woe. He down loads the booklet for my TV to TRY to understand what I'm babbling about and to help. After much trial and error, the TV is set up. Then I have to deal with the antenna. More cursing and swearing... good ole military training is coming back in full force!!! Talked like a drunken sailor and cursed until I was red in the face. It doesn't do a damn thing for the TV or antenna but it sure made me feel better! My friend had not experienced my colorful language before and just roared with laughter.

Meanwhile, spousal unit who knows LESS about technology then I do wants to know what's going on and why don't I just call Comcast and add the TV to our account. Nevermind that this is the same person who tells me he doesn't want me to put it on the cable.

In frustration, I call Comcast. The tech just left the house! My TV is wonderful.... getting all my channels... life is good! The antenna gets returned to the store tomorrow.

Please dear God.... no more tech changes for me for a very long, long time!!

Monday, June 8, 2009


Church leaders appear to have vetoed a bishop-elect for the first time since the 1930s. But few opponents are celebrating.

Frank E. Lockwood in Little Rock, Arkansas posted 6/08/2009

Barring a last minute change of heart by opponents, it appears certain that Episcopal Church leaders have rejected the consecration of a bishop-elect who denies traditional Christian teachings about sin, salvation, and Christ's atoning death at Calvary.

Evangelicals inside and outside the Episcopal Church say they would have been concerned if Kevin Thew Forrester had been given a ceremonial shepherd's staff and a sacred charge to "feed and tend the flock of Christ" in the Diocese of Northern Michigan, where he was elected on February 21. But few are seeing the rejection as a cause to celebrate.

According to church rules, elections of bishops must be confirmed by a majority of the church's House of Bishops (though not all members are allowed to vote) and a majority of its 111 diocesan governing boards, known as standing committees. While the results will not be official until mid-July, a majority of standing committees have voted to withhold consent, according to a survey by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Unofficial surveys show the bishop-elect trailing badly among bishops as well.

Thew Forrester, who has rewritten the church's baptismal covenant, the Apostles' Creed, and the Book of Common Prayer's Easter Vigil liturgy to remove historic Christian doctrines, would be the first bishop-elect to be vetoed by denominational leaders since at least the 1930s, according to the church's Office of Communication.

The 2.3-million-member Episcopal Church has had bishops who have denied core Christian doctrines like the Trinity, the Virgin Birth, and the Resurrection of Jesus. But the most prominent bishops to make such claims (such as John Shelby Spong and James Pike) reportedly did not do so until after they had been made bishop.

Critics on the theological left and the right said Thew Forrester's abandonment of church doctrine and liturgy, as contained in the Book of Common Prayer, placed him too far outside the mainstream to serve as a bishop and a successor to the Apostles.

Thew Forrester's rejection of atonement theology and his claims that the crucifixion was not the will of God were particularly troubling to some Episcopalians. According to Thew Forrester, Christ's blood doesn't wash away sin and Christ's death doesn't redeem and restore humanity. Jesus doesn't make us one with God, but simply reveals to us that we're already and always one with God, the bishop-elect maintains.

Such doctrinal innovations were too much for some bishops.

"There are a few things that are absolutely non-negotiable in the Christian faith because without them it ceases to be the Christian faith," said Bishop of West Texas Gary R. Lillibridge.

But a Thew Forrester supporter, Wyoming Bishop Bruce Caldwell, said Thew Forrester's theology "stretches us, but not to the point of breaking."

The bishop-elect defended his liturgical and theological changes, saying they reflected the "continually evolving" Christian faith.

"What we've done is quite responsible and appropriate, and indeed the church needs to do it in order to stay relevant in the 21st century," he said.

In addition to rejecting orthodox Christian teachings about the Cross, Thew Forrester denies that Satan exists, calls the Qur'an the Word of God, describes sin as being blind to our own goodness, and questions whether Jesus is truly the only begotten Son of God. A student of Zen Buddhism, Thew Forrester took Buddhist lay ordination vows and adopted a new Buddhist name—Genpo—meaning "way of universal wisdom."

Critics charged that Thew Forrester had also altered Christian liturgies to add Buddhist, Unitarian-Universalist, and New Age principles.

In a message posted on his blog, Bishop of Bethlehem (Pennsylvania) Paul V. Marshall warned that the denomination's failure to uphold historic Christian teachings had made it an embarrassment.

"As a Church we are increasingly a laughing-stock … because we do not consistently proclaim a solid core, words as simple as 'all have sinned and come short of the glory of God,' yet 'God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself,'" Marshall wrote.

Thew Forrester's theological and liturgical innovations are too extreme for a majority of the Episcopal Church, said Greg Griffith, founder of the conservative Anglican website StandFirmInFaith.com. But that doesn't mean that the Episcopal Church is ready to embrace the faith once delivered to the saints, he added. "All the Episcopal Church has done is to say that someone who is clearly not a Christian may not be one of its bishops," Griffith said. "It may be history in the making, but it's hardly a grand or noble achievement, and certainly not a signal that the Episcopal Church is returning to orthodoxy."

Bill Carroll, rector at Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Athens, Ohio, says the vote may be a turning point for his denomination. "I think history will remember this as the point when the Episcopal Church began to show some backbone about basic Christian doctrine," he wrote in a comments thread at EpiscopalCafe.com. "For too long, we have allowed our respect for difference to mean anything goes. There are boundaries." [Emphasis mine.]

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Dispute over Grace church property settled

June 2, 2009 - 11:09 PM THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

The Episcopal Diocese of Colorado says a legal dispute with 1,200 former members over church property has been resolved.

Diocese officials said Tuesday both sides agreed to uphold an El Paso County District judge's ruling that gave the property to the diocese in March.

"This has been a long, difficult and distressing dispute and we believe that this settlement is the first step towards reconciliation and healing," Lawrence R. Hitt II, chancellor of the diocese, said in a written statement.

The dispute began in 2007 after some members of the Grace Church and St. Stephen's Parish in Colorado Springs broke away from the Episcopal Church. They joined the Convocation of Anglicans in North America, a missionary diocese of the Church of Nigeria.
Both sides contended they were the rightful owners of the Grace Church and St. Stephen's Parish buildings.

The former Episcopal Church members left because they thought the national church was taking a liberal theological direction. They were also upset over the diocese's investigation of the parish's rector, the Rev. Donald Armstrong, who is suspected of taking thousands of dollars from his church and a trust fund to pay for his children's college education from 1999 to 2006.
Armstrong, 60, has denied wrongdoing.

A grand jury indicted him last month on 20 counts of theft and he is free on $20,000 bail.
Diocese officials also said Tuesday that both sides have agreed to dismiss all damage claims and that each side will pay its own attorneys' fees.

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Sincere Apology

Dear Roseann and Gary~

It has taken me awhile to get here but I do humbly and profusely apologize for any pain or hurt that I have caused you by my actions. It was not my intention. However, I realize that I did in fact cause you pain that you did not deserve. I am so sorry. I hope that you will find it in your heart to accept this apology.

Please know that you are in my daily prayers. Thank you.



Sunday, May 31, 2009

RIP Dr. Tiller

Doctor Murdered At Church

Law enforcement authorities in suburban Kansas City have identified a man detained by police after a late-term abortion provider was shot to death in a Wichita church.

Johnson County sheriff's spokesman Tom Erickson says Scott Roeder was the man whose car was stopped on Interstate 35 on Sunday, about three hours after the shooting of George Tiller.

Earlier in the day, Wichita police said the suspect was a 51-year-old man from Merriam, Kan., but they refused to identify him by name.

Roeder has not been charged in the slaying, but he was expected to be taken to Wichita for questioning.

The 67-year-old Tiller was serving as an usher Sunday when he was shot in the foyer of Reformation Lutheran Church.
Give rest, O Christ, to your servant George with your saints, where sorrow and pain are no more, neither sighing but life everlasting.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Blessing for a wonderful weekend to all!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Story now on KKTV.com


Here's the story...

The Continuing Saga of Don Armstrong...

Here's the latest news... KKTV, Channel 11 reported on its 10 O'Clock news this evening that Don Armstrong FAILED to appear in court today for his first hearing on the criminal charges. There is a warrant out for his arrest. KKTV's website, unfortunately, does not carry the story. Stay tuned... more to come...

Oh Lordy....

Folks are going to have a field day with this one...
Will this be a positive or a negative for The Episcopal Church? Share your thoughts.
Priest who broke celibacy vow joins Episcopal Church

(CNN) -- Father Alberto Cutie, an internationally known Catholic priest who admitted having a romantic affair and breaking his vow of celibacy, is joining the Episcopal Church to be with the woman he loves, he said Thursday.

"I will always love the Catholic Church and all its members," he said at a news conference. "But I want to start today by going into a new family.

"Here before this community where I have chosen to serve and where I live, I am going to continue to proclaim the word of God and my love for God," Cutie said.

Cutie (pronounced koo-tee-AY) was received into the Episcopal Church earlier Thursday at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Miami, Florida. He will pursue the priesthood in the Episcopalian faith, the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida said in a written statement.

It was not immediately clear how long the process would take.

Cutie -- sometimes called "Father Oprah" because of the advice he's given in Spanish-language media -- shocked the Catholic community when photographs of him embracing a bathing-suit-clad woman emerged this month in the pages of TV Notas magazine.

The Cuban-American priest admitted having a two-year relationship with the woman, a long-time friend. She has not been publicly identified.

"This is something I've struggled with," he said this month. "I don't support the breaking of the celibacy promise."

Of his relationship with the woman, he said, "Through the photos, it looked like a frivolous thing on the beach, you know, and that's not what it is. It's something deeper than that."

After the photographs surfaced, Cutie was removed from his duties at St. Francis De Sales Catholic Church in Miami Beach and on the Radio Paz and Radio Peace Networks. He had been president and general director of Pax Catholic Communications, home of Radio Paz and Radio Peace.

In addition to his television and radio appearances, Cutie has written newspaper advice columns and a self-help book, "Real Life, Real Love."

The Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida said Cutie will deliver a sermon Sunday at a church that diocese leaders are looking to restore: the Church of the Resurrection in Biscayne Park.

Cutie will be a part of this effort to revitalize this church and others, the diocese said.

Cutie was the first Catholic priest to host a daily talk show on a major secular television network, according to his information on the LinkedIn online professional network.

Be at Peace

Be at peace ---

Do not fear the changes of life~
rather look to them with full hope as they arise.

God, whose very own you are,
will deliver from out of them.
He has kept you hitherto,
and he will lead you safely through all things;
and when you cannot stand it, God will bury you in his arms.

Do not be afraid of what may happen tomorrow;
the same everlasting Father who cares for you today
will take care of you then and everyday.

He will either shield you from suffering,
or will give you unfailing strength to bear it.

Be at peace --
and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.

St Francis de Sales